Articles académiques 2009

Articles académiques 2009


  • Barreiro-Hurlé, J., Espinosa-Goded, M., et Dupraz, P. (2009).
    "Estrategias para incrementar la participacion en programas agroambientales: el papel del capital social."
    Economia Agraria y Recursos Naturales, 9: 2, pp. 3-26.
  • Behrens, K., Gaigné, C., et Thisse, J. F. (2009).
    "Industry location and welfare when transport costs are endogenous."
    Journal of Urban Economics, 65: 2, pp. 195-208.
  • Bojnec, S., et Latruffe, L. (2009).
    "Determinants of technical efficiency of Slovenian farms."
    Post-Communist Economies, 21: 1, pp. 117-24.
  • Bojnec, S., et Latruffe, L. (2009).
    "Productivity change in Slovenian agriculture during the transition: A comparison of production branches."
    Ekonomicky Casopis, 57: 4, pp. 327-43.
  • Bougherara, D., et Combris, P. (2009).
    "Eco-labelled food products: what are consumers paying for?"
    European Review of Agricultural Economics, 36: 3, pp. 321-41.
  • Bougherara, D., Costa, S., Grolleau, G., et Ibanez, L. (2009).
    "Dealing with aversion to the sucker's payoff in public goods games."
    Economics Bulletin, 29: 4, pp. 3194-202.
  • Bougherara, D., Grolleau, G., et Mzoughi, N. (2009).
    "Buy Local, Pollute Less: What Drives Households to Join A Community Supported Farm ?"
    Ecological Economics, 68: 5, pp. 1488-95.
  • Bougherara, D., Grolleau, G., et Mzoughi, N. (2009).
    "The 'Make or Buy' Decision in Private Environmental Transactions."
    European Journal of Law and Economics, 27: 1, pp. 79-99.
  • Bougherara, D., et Piguet, V. (2009).
    "Market behavior with environmental quality information costs."
    Journal of Agricultural and Food Industrial Organization, 7: 2, pp. 8.
  • Calame, M., et Mouchet, C. (2009).
    "Alimentation et agriculture : une nécessaire gouvernance mondiale."
    Ecologie Politique: 38, pp. 33-42.
  • Darrot, C., Bazin, G., et Mouchet, C. (2009).
    "Premiers effets de la nouvelle politique des préretraites agricoles en Pologne."
    Economie Rurale: 313-314, pp. 85-98.
  • Détang-Dessendre, C., et Gaigné, C. (2009).
    "Unemployment duration, city size, and the thightness of the labor market."
    Regional Science and Urban Economics, 39: 3, pp. 266276.
  • Djaout, F., Le Goffe, P., et Tauber, M. (2009).
    "Comment appliquer la directive nitrates et à quel coût ? une modélisation spatiale du marché de l'épandage."
    Economie et Prévision: 188, pp. 43-61.
  • Ducos, G., Dupraz, P., et Bonnieux, F. (2009).
    "Agri-environment contract adoption under fixed and variable compliance costs."
    Journal of Environmental Planning and Management, 52: 5, pp. 669-87.
  • Dupraz, P., Latouche, K., et Turpin, N. (2009).
    "Threshold effect and co-ordination of agri-environmental efforts."
    Journal of Environmental Planning and Management, 52: 5, pp. 613-30.
  • Exbrayat, N., Gaigné, C., et Riou, S. (2009).
    "Trade integration and the destination of subsidies."
    Recherches Economiques de Louvain, 75: 4, pp. 407-23.
  • Femenia, F., et Gohin, A. (2009).
    "On the European responsibility in the agricultural multilateral trade negotiations: modelling the impacts of the Common Agricultural Policy."
    World Economy, 32: 10, pp. 1434-60.
  • Fogarasi, J., et Latruffe, L. (2009).
    "Technical efficiency in dairy farming: a comparison of France and Hungary in 2001-2006."
    Studies in Agricultural Economics: 110, pp. 75-84.
  • Gaigné, C., et Thisse, J. F. (2009).
    "Aging nations and the future of cities."
    Journal of Regional Science, 49: 4, pp. 663-88.
  • Gohin, A. (2009).
    "Le bilan de santé de la Politique Agricole Commune : faut il des exceptions au traitement général ?"
    Economie et Prévision: 189, pp. 1-20.
  • Gohin, A. (2009).
    "Quelles conséquences d'une suppression de la Politique Agricole Commune pour l'après 2013 ?"
    Revue d'Economie Politique, 119: 4, pp. 633-51.
  • Gohin, A., et Femenia, F. (2009).
    "Estimating price elasticities of food trade functions: how relevant is the CES based gravity approach?"
    Journal of Agricultural Economics, 60: 2, pp. 253-72.
  • Hovelaque, V., Duvaleix-Treguer, S., et Cordier, J. (2009).
    "Effects of constrained supply and price contracts on agricultural cooperatives."
    European Journal of Operational Research, 199: 3, pp. 769-80.
  • Huchet-Bourdon, M., Lipchitz, A., et Rousson, A. (2009).
    "Aid for trade in developing countries: complex linkages for real effectiveness."
    African Development Review, 21: 2, pp. 243-90.
  • Huchet-Bourdon, M., et Pishbahar, E. (2009).
    "Armington elasticities and tariff regime: an application to European Union rice imports."
    Journal of Agricultural Economics, 60: 3, pp. 586-603.
  • Laroche-Dupraz, C., Awono-Bessa, C., et Vermersch, D. (2009).
    "Impact des politiques commerciales sur le marché du poulet au Cameroun. Intérêts et limites d'un modèle d'équilibre partiel."
    Economie Rurale: 313-314, pp. 67-84.
  • Latruffe, L., et Le Mouel, C. (2009).
    "Capitalization of government support in agricultural land prices: what do we know?"
    Journal of Economic Surveys, 23: 4, pp. 659-91.
  • Leplat, M., et Le Goffe, P. (2009).
    "Faut-il réguler l'encombrement des sites récréatifs ? Un modèle de choix discret avec participation."
    Revue d'Etudes en Agriculture et Environnement, 90: 1, pp. 51-77.
  • Perrigot, R., Cliquet, G., et Piot-Lepetit, I. (2009).
    "Plural form chain and efficiency: insights from the French hotel chains and the DEA methodology."
    European Management Journal, 27: 4, pp. 268-80.
  • Rodrigues da Silva, N. J., Beuret, J. E., Mikolasek, O., Fontenelle, G., Dabbadie, L., Lazard, J., et Espagnoli GeraldoMartins, M. I. (2009).
    "Dynamiques du développement de la pisciculture dans deux régions du Brésil : une approche comparée."
    Cahiers Agricultures, 18: 2-3, pp. 284-91.
  • Turpin, N., Dupraz, P., Thenail, C., Joannon, A., Baudry, J., Herviou, S., et Verburg, P. (2009).
    "Shaping the landscape : agricultural policies and local biodiversity schemes."
    Land Use Policy, 26: 2, pp. 273-83.

Date de modification : 24 février 2023 | Date de création : 08 février 2012 | Rédaction : Webmaster